Middle Schools That Work - MSTW is an effort-based school improvement initiative founded on the conviction that most students can master rigorous academic and career/technical studies if school leaders and teachers create an environment that motivates them to make the effort to succeed. Students are motivated to achieve at high levels when
They learn a rigorous academic core taught in ways that enables them to see the usefulness of what they have been asked to learn.
There are supportive relationships between students and adults. These relationships involve providing students with the extra help needed to meet challenging course standards and with the support to make successful transitions from the middle grades to high school and from high school to postsecondary studies and careers.
Teacher advisers in high school work with parents and students to set goals and select rigorous courses that prepare students for college-preparatory classes in high school.
School leadership focuses on supporting what and how teachers teach by providing common planning time and professional development aligned with school improvement plans and the HSTW Key Practices.