Dawson-Bryant Local Schools
701 High Street
Coal Grove, OH 45638
Phone: (740) 532-6451
Fax: (740) 533-6019
Title I
   It's a federal program to help all students get a good education and meet academic standards. Title I can help the whole school.  Dawson-Bryant is a schoolwide Title I program.  This allows eligible schools to use Title I money to pay for educational programs for the whole district.  A schoolwide Title I program can offer services and programs that can help improve your child's education.  A good education can give your child a better chance of success in life.
Gifted Education
   Students in the Dawson-Bryant Local Schools are identified as gifted using a variety of instruments.  The identification process is ongoing, and students are rescreened throughout their school career for possible identification.   
   You will find helpful links and downloads regarding identification procedures, service offered at each grade level, activities for grade level supports for parents, and much more.  For more information on gifted education in Ohio, download the following documents or visit the Ohio Department of Gifted Information Home Page.
   The McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Program was designed to make sure all homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free and appropriate public education as children and youth who are not homeless.  This includes preschool education. 
   State and local education agencies are required to develop, review and revise policies to remove barriers to the enrollment, attendance and success in school that homeless children and youth may experience.     
   Dawson-Bryant Local Schools will provide homeless children and youth the opportunity to meet the same challenging state content and state student performance standards to which all students are held. 
   For more information on the rights of and services available to children and youth experiencing homelessness, please contact:  Mr. Dean Mader at (740) 532-6451.
Student Participation in Testing
Federal and State laws require all districts and schools to test all student in specific grades and courses.  There is no law that allows a parent or student to opt out of state testing, and there is no state test opt-out procedure or form.  For additional information on this topic please continue to read here: http://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Testing/Sections/Resources/Student-participation.pdf.aspx
Notice of Proposed Class Action Settlement
Doe v. Department of Education   This is a notice regarding a proposed class action settlement from 1991.  The lawsuit alleged that Ohio's special education system did not provide students with a free appropriate public education and was discriminatory against students with disabilities.  The agreement addressed: (1) the way ODE monitors compliance with IDEA. (2) requests for waivers of state standards for the delivery of special education services; (3) investigation of state-level complaints filed by parents; and (4) corrective action to be taken when a school district does not meet state or federal standards.   A copy of the notice of proposed class action settlement is located on the right column under downloads.
Title IX Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in District Programs or Activities
The Board of Education of the Dawson-Bryant Local School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, in its education programs or activities, and is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, and its implementing regulations, not to discriminate in such a manner.  The requirement not to discriminate in its education program or activity extends to admission and employment. The Title IX Coordinator for the district is Dean Mader please contact him at (740) 532-6451 or [email protected]

PBIS-Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports
As of September 2021, Ohio law requires school districts to provide yearly notices to parents about their procedures related to the requirements of positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS) and the emergency use of physical restraint and seclusion, including the local complaint process.  Part of this law requires that parents in Ohio's public schools must be given information at least one time per year.   You will find the school building's PBIS plans in the downloads to the right of the page. 
Progress Book

Our district uses Progress Book for our online grading system. We enabled the Parent Access module so that our parents may view your child’s progress online, and Ohio State Test scores. If you would like to have access, please access the form link on the district website db.k12.oh.us
We at Dawson- Bryant look forward to providing opportunities to enhance communication between students, parents, and faculty to ensure the success of all in our school system.

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