The Dawson-Bryant Local School District is requesting quotations in the form of a sealed bid for a new commercial dust collection system in the High School Career Technology Lab. Bid specifications are as follows:
- 10,000 CFM minimum.
- 10" outlets with 55-gallon drum dust storage.
- System must be able to handle wood dust.
- System will need to be shipped, unloaded, placed and installed by the winning bidder, including but not limited to, duct work to existing building as well as new addition terminated at several woodworking tools, final electrical installation, and plumbing.
- System will include 15- 20 drops total in the existing building and new addition including floor sweeps.
- Must have the ability to be started remotely from either building.
- Dust collection unit must be made of at least 10ga steel.
- School district will supply the concrete pad, electrical connection, and water source if needed.
Sealed bids will be accepted until 10:00 A.M. on Friday, January 10, 2025, at which time all bids will be opened. Submit sealed bids to the Dawson-Bryant Local School District, c/o Bradley Miller, Treasurer, 701 High Street, Coal Grove, OH 45638. [email protected] The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.